
Contact Us

Are you a fan of Doctor Who and already cosplay as a character? Or wanting to cosplay but don't know where to start and looking for help? Did you meet one of our members at an event and they directed you to this site?  If so, we'd love to have you join a local chapter. Look through the current chapters below and follow the directions listed for them to join. 

Don't see a chapter near you and you know at least a few other like-minded people who want to start a new chapter? Email us at and tell us about yourselves! 

Wichita - Send an email or go to Facebook and request to join.

Tulsa - Go to Facebook and request to join.

Raleigh - Go to Facebook and request to join.

Corpus Christi - Go to Facebook and request to join.
Dallas-Fort Worth - Go to Facebook and request to join.
Houston - Send an email or go to Facebook and request to join.

Seattle - Go to Facebook and request to join.