We pride ourselves in having excellent cosplayers, having knowledgeable officers and members, and helping to our members to learn and improve in the world of Whovian cosplay. We encourage everyone to have fun and grow with us!
Since then, we have expanded our group from DFW to chapters under the Cosplay Gallifrey moniker in several states. Do you want to rep our group in your city or state? Or take us us international in your country? Feel free to talk to us about starting your own local chapter!
National High Council
The following people comprise the National High Council of Cosplay Gallifrey and oversee the management of all chapters. The President and Vice President from each local chapter are responsible for influencing the direction and rules governing all chapters.
DFW Chapter
Lord High President James Enelow

James Enelow is the current president of the DFW chapter and an original “founder” of Cosplay Gallifrey. He goes under the Con name 'Glitchmatic' and has been cosplaying since 2009. The majority of his cosplays are Doctor Who cosplay, but he has also been trying to break out of that mold. James is also a writer, blogger and he teaches English at several colleges in the DFW area. He promotes the use of science fiction film and imagery in his classes to keep students interested. Every Halloween he comes into class dressed as the 4th doctor.

He is a currently published writer, and has several blogs, including Truth and Cosplay, DFW Cosplay Gallifrey: the Blog and Juxtaposition Collision all of which deal with the wisdom and wonder of Nerd Fandom.
His job is to run the general day-to-day of Cosplay Gallifrey and he takes pride in being connected directly with every cosplayer in the group.
Queen Den Mother & Vice President Debbie Redfern
Debbie Redfern, aka 'Queen Den Mother', has been a creative person her whole life, working in almost every medium at some point. After receiving a BA in Fine Arts with a minor in Art History, she now works in the IT world but spends most evenings on fun projects. Her creative talents are currently focused on sewing, but who knows what she'll get up to next!
She's best known for her cosplay of Queen Elizabeth I from 'Day of the Doctor' and has won a few awards for it and other cosplays she has made. She really enjoys throwing femme spins on male characters and taking thrift-store finds and breathing new life into them for herself and others. She feels that cosplay should be accessible & fun to everyone, no matter their size, gender, color, or body shape, and she attempts to foster confidence and encourage all cosplayers, no matter the fandom.
CC Chapter
Lady High President April C.
ICT Chapter
Lord High President Derek Ledford
Derek Ledford is a driven new member out of Kansas whose contributions to DFW-CG and ICT-CG are numerous and structured. His vision for his individual chapter is a welcome spring of information to and for Cosplay Gallifrey's future.Lady Chancellor & Vice President Alicia Nielson
Alicia Nielson's early work with the Whovians of Wichita made her the perfect choice for Vice-President. Specializing in both T.A.R.D.I.S. dresses and her Rose Tyler cosplay, she is one of the very talented new members of the rising ICT-CG.HOU Chapter
Lord High President Pete C.

Outside of cosplay, Pete is a happy family man who loves to watch sci-fi and fantasy television shows/ movies (start talking about Game of Thrones!). We would describe him as friendly and dependable. Also, once he sets his mind on something he’ll follow through with it (and basically crush it like nobody’s business).
Lady Chancellor & Vice President Nicki V.
Nicole (a.k.a. Nicki) is the Vice-President of CGHOU. Your feed has probably been bombarded by her PSAs and random comments. Nicki’s Doctor Who cosplays include (movie version) Femme 8, Romana (‘Destiny of the Daleks’), and Ace (‘Survival’). For Gallifrey One, she’s working on Lucie Miller (‘To the Death’) and another Femme 8 (‘Night of the Doctor’). If you have ever come into contact with Nicki, she has more than likely gushed about how wonderful the Big Finish Audios are and may try to force you to listen to at least ‘Blood of the Daleks (part one and two)’. Her first exposure to Doctor Who was Sylvester McCoy regenerating into Paul McGann (a grown up Disney Prince). On a totally non-Doctor Who related note, her cosplay name ‘Wind-Up Bird’ originates from the Haruki Murakami novel ‘The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle’. In addition to her responsibilities as our Vice-President, Nicki uses her background in dance and theater to assist in skit/character adaptations in photographs/ performances and to help build confidence of those around her.NC Chapter
Lady High President Jane Willer
Jane Willer is the current President of NC-CG. She's currently a Second Grade teacher in Goldsboro, which is about 60 miles outside the capital city of Raleigh and has been costuming/cosplaying for 13 years now with various groups, including the 501st and the Rebel Legion respectively. In addition, she is working on a Doctoral in Educational Leadership as well as becoming a Children’s author.She's been a Doctor Who fan since 2007 when her roommate first introduced an episode to her. Her first venture into cosplay was in 2012 as an original-creation companion, and by 2014 she was cosplaying as River Song at Dragon Con. She is looking forward to someday cosplaying as Missy (The Mistress/Master) and Queen Elizabeth from the 50th Special.