Amelia Pond - The Girl Who Waited
"When I was a little girl I had an imaginary friend,
and when I grew up, he came back."

- Pink nightgown with small printed pattern

- red sweater
- black or navy peacoat
- red 'fair isle' or 'ugly sweater' style knit cap or toque
- blue mittens
SA Upgrades:
- Nightgown print appears to be either feathers or fall leaves in columns of alternating diagonal orientation, and has 3 deep tucks several inches up from the hem, bottom gathered to a yoked top with 3 red buttons, mandarin collar, and 3/4 sleeves.
- Red cable knit sweater has white or off-white trim, elbow-length sleeves.
- Peacoat has a rough texture and wood toggle closure, as well as a hood. Suspect plaid lining in hood.

Optional Accessories:
- beige suitcase with reddish-brown leather trim (when wearing peacoat with hat & mittens)
- fish sticks & custard (when wearing red sweater)
Amy Pond
Flesh and Stone - and- The Time of the Angels
Basic Markers:- very baggy red hooded sweatshirt
- black or denim shorts or skirt
- dark grey tights and black crew socks
- royal or dark blue converse high-tops
- long straight red hair with black headband
- purple-grey nail polish
SA Upgrades:
- American Apparel Unisex Dolman Sleeve Hoodie in red
- an 'A' initial necklace in gold
- the closest match for nail polish is OPI's 'Parlez-Vous' color
Angels Take Manhattan
Basic Markers:- white with blue horizontal striped t-shirt
- tan/camel lightweight long jacket
- skinny pegged blue jeans
- brown lace-up shoes
- round frame glasses
- long straight red hair
SA Upgrades:
- paperback copy of Melody Malone book
- copy of New York Times, pref dated ____
A Town Called Mercy
Basic Markers:- blue leather biker style jacket
- dark blue with medium floral patterned short dress
- dark blue tights
- brown lace-up shoes
SA Upgrades:
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Basic Markers:- white and blue horizontal striped knit sweater
- skinny pegged blue jeans
- black slip on loafers
SA Upgrades:

Asylum of the Daleks

- black leather biker-style jacket
- heather-grey knit dress
- black jeggings
- black leather belt
- black boots
- long styled & wavy red hair
- heavier-than-normal make-up for Amy


The Pandorica Opens
Basic Markers:- lavender sweater
- long red scarf
- black leather jacket
- black skinny jeans
- black boots
SA Upgrades:
The Wedding of River Song

Basic Markers:
- fitted black pants suit
- black eyepatch
- black loafers with a short heal
SA Upgrades:
Amy’s Choice

- big pregnant belly
- lavender t-shirt
- long reddish-pink cardigan
- denim skirt
- black tights
- tan/light brown parka
- medium brown shoes
- hair up in a twist
SA Upgrades:
Written by QDM.
Last Updated 09-28-2015