The Second Doctor
"Well, in view of the facts that I’ve already presented - the ray gun, this pen and one or two other things - I think we’re dealing with people who are not from this planet."
With this Doctor, imagine The Three Stooges. This Doctor is sharp, disheveled, and super snarky.
Basic Markers:

- black suit jacket
- blue button-down shirt
- small blue polka-dot bow tie held on with a safety pin (look for a little boy's tie)
- brown plaid pants that are at least a size too big and you need a belt to keep them up
- moppish bowl-cut hair
- red polka-dot pocket square
- light and medium blue swirl painted recorder with green tassel
Since all of this is easy to find at almost any thrift store and most dollar stores sell recorders, this is probably the easiest Doctor to cosplay but for some reason one of the least seen cosplays.
Written by QDM.
Last Updated 09-28-2015