The 11th Doctor
“In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important”
Series Constants:
- Donegal tweed jacket (Series5)
- Shetland tweed jacket (Series 6-7a)
- All-Saints layer boots (Series 5-7a)
- Rassilon boots (Series 7b)

The Eleventh Hour (Raggedy Doctor)

- Light blue shirt
- Brown tie with swirly pattern
- Brown pants with blue pinstripes
- Cream Converse Chuck Taylors
- Handcuffs (bonus)
- Broken 10th Doctors sonic screwdriver (bonus)
The newly regenerated 11th Doctor in his tattered predecessors clothes. The tie is probably the most unique thing in this whole ensemble, but luckily Magnoli Clothiers makes a replica of this exact tie. For an even better effect you can try distressing the items of clothing.
Vincent and The Doctor
Basic Markers:

- Navy blue bow tie
- Navy blue bracers
- Navy blue tinted textured shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Black ankle high boots
- Gold watch
This is the basic layout of the 11th Doctor’s outfit for series 5 and 6. If you want to get a little more screen accurate with the shirt it’s a Paul Smith Scroll Stripe shirt in navy blue, which is very rare. Donegal tweed is the type of tweed jacket. We have seen people with great luck finding this tweed at thrift stores.
The Pandorica Opens

-Tan two-button tweed jacket with elbow patches
- Burgundy bow tie
- Burgundy bracers
- Burgundy tinted textured shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Black ankle high boots
- Gold watch
- Burgundy felt fez (bonus)
- Wooden mop (bonus)
- Vortex manipulator (bonus)

This is basically just a burgundy version of the outfit from Vincent and The Doctor, with the burgundy version of the Paul Smith Scroll Stripe shirt, which, again, is very rare to find. Donegal tweed used again for this look, again, thrift stores are your friend with the tweed.
The Big Bang

- Black tuxedo jacket with tails
- White bow tie
- White backless tuxedo vest
- White tuxedo shirt
- Black tuxedo pants
- Slip-on dress shoes
- Black top hat
- White satin formal tuxedo scarf
- Sonic cane (bonus)
This is just a basic tuxedo and the SA brand is unknown, but check eBay for pieces. As for the sonic cane, that will have to be custom made.

A Christmas Carol

- Tan plaid three-button tweed jacket
- Burgundy bowtie
- Burgundy bracers
- White or off white shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Black ankle high boots
- Santa Clause hat (bonus)
- Gold watch
Finally a different type of tweed, this is a Shetland tweed and is used for the entirety of series 6 and the first half of series 7. One thing to note is he isn’t donning his signature elbow patches in this episode. Also, the white shirt actually has a small pattern on it. Check your local thrift stores for this one!

Basic Markers:
- White one button tux jacket
- Black bow tie
- White ribbed tuxedo shirt
- High-waisted black tux pants
- Slip-on dress shoes
- Gold watch
- Bonus points for red lipstick kiss on your cheek

The screen accurate brands are unknown, but eBay is a great place to find tuxedo pieces, just have to cross reference screen grabs to get the most accurate looking items.
The Impossible Astronaut

- Tan plaid three-button tweed jacket with elbow patches
- Navy blue bow tie
- Navy blue bracers

- Black skinny jeans
- Black ankle high boots
- Gold watch
- Stetson (bonus)
Ms. Bowtie actually makes quite a few of Matts bowties throughout his run as The Doctor including this one - it’s labeled as “The Impossible Astronaut” on their site. The shirt is blue with textured lines running down it. Sheppler's sells the Stetson hat worn.
Let’s Kill Hitler

- Olive green over coat
- Navy blue bow tie
- Navy blue bracers
- Either white or an off white shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Black ankle high boots
- Gold watch

Ms. Bowtie labels this tie as “Blue & Purple Bark”. Now, the olive green over coat is a doozy to try and find from thrift stores or on eBay, but we have seen people who had great luck so you never know. But, if you wanna go with the easy but more expensive solution, Abbyshot has made a replica of this coat.
The Angels Take Manhattan
Basic Markers:

- Tan plaid three-button tweed jacket with elbow patches
- Burgundy bow tie
- Burgundy bracers
- Light blue shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Black ankle high boots
- Gold watch
This one is probably the simplest to pull off, as long as you have the tweed jacket that has the plaid-like pattern on it you’re set.
Bells of Saint John

- Purple long coat
- Dark purple bow tie with a pattern
- Grey bracers
- Light blue shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Dark brown ankle high boots
- Gold watch
- A red fez
Ok, the only thing difficult to acquire is the purple frock coat, and Abbyshot makes a great replica and is worth every cent. Ms. Bowtie labeled this tie as “Thyme Lord”.
The Name of The Doctor

- Purple long coat
- Gray bow tie with circular pattern
- Purple or black velvet waistcoat with Albert chain
- Light blue shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Dark brown ankle high boots
- Gold watch
Ms. Bowtie labels this tie as “Copper Burn”. For the waist coat, Obsidian Gothic makes a beautiful replica. The screen accurate Albert chain medallion is nearly impossible to track down. So any double hook Albert chains found on eBay are fairly cheap and they look the part.
The Rings of Akhaten
Basic Markers:
- Brown bow tie with arrow pattern
- Gray or light purple vest
- White shirt with blue lined pattern
- Black skinny jeans
- Dark brown ankle high boots
- Gold watch
Ms. Bowtie labeled this tie as “Chevron”. The vest is a bit hard to find due to it’s unique color, but we see people who just go with light gray and get the same effect.
The Crimson Horror

-Plaid tweed frock coat
-Dark purple bowtie with a pattern
-Plaid tweed waistcoat
-Pale blue shirt
-Plaid tweed trousers
-Dark brown ankle high boots
-Gold watch
-Dark chocolate brown bowler hat

The Time of The Doctor

- Wool purple long coat with black woolly lapel

- Black velvet waistcoat
- White shirt with light red pinstripes
- Fitted black and white plaid trousers
- Dark brown ankle high boots
- Gold watch
- Bonus points if you cosplay him as aged
Ms. Bowtie labels this tie as “Nightmare in Silver.” CosplaySky makes a great replica of the wool coat. The waistcoat is the same waistcoat used in 'The Name of The Doctor', so that eBay link will send you to the closest-to-screen-accurate waistcoat. As for the trousers, the screen accurate brand is unknown, but we're sure with a little thrift shopping, some similar pants could be found.
The Day of The Doctor (50th Anniversary)
- Purple long coat
- Purple bow tie with white dots
- Black waistcoat with albert chain
- Light blue shirt
- Black skinny jeans
- Dark brown ankle high boots
- Gold watch
Waistcoat is a 6 button waistcoat with lapels and a collar. Ms. Bowtie labels this tie as “50th Anniversary”
A special Thank You to Russell J. for researching and writing this one!
Last Updated 11-17-2016